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25년동안 조선 및 산업분야의 다양한 제품을 생산하며, 최고의 기술력 및 생산능력을 자랑하는 세계적인 베어링 전문기업입니다.
For further information visit : www.orkot.com

Mechanical Properties TLM Marine metric TXM Marine metric
Compressive Strength    
Normal Laminate 300 N/㎟ 280 N/㎟
Parallel to Laminate 90 N/㎟ 90 N/㎟
Tensile Strength 60 N/㎟ 55 N/㎟
Flexural Strength 65 N/㎟ 65 N/㎟
Shear Strength 80 N/㎟ 80 N/㎟
Hardness - Rockwell M 90 90
Density 1.3g/㎤ 1.3g/㎤

  • Extensive stock available
  • 24 hour turnaround for non-stock sizes
  • Classification approval for up to 15N/㎟
  • Approved dry running capability
  • Virtually no swell in water
  • Low coefficient of friction
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Tolerant to edge loading